Quanergy 3D LiDAR Flow Management Solution Successfully Deployed by The SFMTA to Reduce Traffic Delays

News Source: 
• Travel time per light rail vehicle was reduced by 66 seconds resulting in a travel time reduction of 16%
• The chance that a train will reach an intersection on a green light improved by over 20%
SUNNYVALE, CA – April 5, 2022 – Quanergy Systems, Inc., (NYSE: QNGY) (“Quanergy” or “the Company”), a leading provider of LiDAR sensors and smart 3D solutions, announced today that The San Francisco Municipal Transportation Agency (SFMTA) has deployed Quanergy’s 3D LiDAR Flow Management solution integrated with TNL’s traffic flow management platform, to improve the travel time of San Francisco’s light rail vehicles as part of a Proof of Concept Pilot Project.
The SFMTA, a department of the City and County of San Francisco responsible for the management of all ground transportation in the city, deployed a signal timing program from July to August 2021 using Quanergy’s Flow Management solution consisting of its M-Series sensors and its QORTEX DTC™ 3D perception software. The goal was to reduce transit vehicle travel times so riders could avoid waiting at red lights and get to their destination faster while not delaying other road users. The SFMTA compared travel times for trains both prior and post installing the new technology. Working with TNL, Quanergy provided The SFMTA with a smart 3D LiDAR solution to help them measure and optimize traffic in real time.
“This project highlights the first time we’ve used LiDAR to detect people and automobiles,” said Robert Lim, Project Manager at The SFMTA. “We’ve seen a dramatic improvement as travel time per light rail vehicle was reduced by 66 seconds resulting in a travel time reduction of 16% across the project corridor. With this technology, the chance that a train will reach an intersection on a green light improved from 62.1% to 85.8%, and that means almost no red-light delay.”
“Quanergy’s LiDAR solution provided great accuracy in all weather and lighting conditions,” said Paul Hoekstra, Mobility Business Unit Director U.S.A. at TNL. “By installing these sensors, we can see day and night and pinpoint the exact location of objects in any climate conditions.”
“LiDAR is at the core of development in the future of #smartcities,” said Gerald Becker, VP of Market Development and Alliances at Quanergy. “We help government agencies and developers create smart city applications to improve infrastructure and impact their bottom line with our lower TCO, while preserving the privacy of citizens, with zero PII risk.”
For more information, visit www.quanergy.com.

2022 Infrared Sensing Application Market and Branding Strategies
Release: 01 January 2022
Format: PDF
Language: Traditional Chinese / English
Page: 164

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