Bronx Nursing Home Goes Green

Gold Crest Care Center is taking steps to reduce its carbon footprint, minimize its environmental impact and cut back on emissions. To do this, the nursing care facility will begin using environmentally safe products like smart cars, low-energy light fixtures and LED light bulbs.

Gold Crest Care Center is now taking steps to reduce its environmental impact, beginning with the use of a brand new fleet of smart cars for use by members of its marketing team. In addition, Gold Crest has installed low-energy light fixtures for use with LED light bulbs in the lobby of the nursing home and in other areas of the facility.

Gold Crest Care Center lobby. (All photo courtesy belong to Gold Crest Care)

Gold Crest Care Center understands that going green is critically important in this time of climate change. In an ongoing effort to make a positive environmental impact, the marketing team from Gold Crest Care Center will be driving fuel-efficient, environmentally friendly vehicles for business use. According to the EPA, driving fuel-efficient vehicles is just one of the many ways that people and organizations like Gold Crest can make a difference in the fight against global warming.

In addition to its use of fuel-efficient vehicles, Gold Crest has switched to LED light bulbs and low energy fixtures, as encouraged by the EPA's ENERGY STAR LED Bulb Challenge. The Challenge is an ongoing effort to replace 20 million incandescent light bulbs with ENERGY STAR certified LED bulbs. Reaching this goal will reduce emissions in amounts equivalent to removing 150,000 vehicles from the road. These measures will also amount to a reduction in facility energy costs. Over time, it is Gold Crest's hope that these savings may be passed down to patients.

Gold Crest Care Center staff with a resident. 

The Bronx nursing home is proud of its place in the community as a quality care provider, and proud of its place in the global community as well. Gold Crest believes its role as protector extends beyond its own patients, and that is why these changes are being implemented. Check back in the coming months for more information about environmentally friendly actions and policies, as Gold Crest Care Center continues its mission to reduce its environmental impact, carbon footprint and overall energy use.

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