Chinese First League Games Deal Spurs Ledman Opto’s Major Stock Restructure?

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Chinese LED manufacturer Ledman Opto’s shares dipped slightly 6% on Friday, but soared close to noon, according to a report.

From Nov. 25 to Dec. 3, 2014, the company stock prices soared 42.34%. Still on Dec. 3 a Ledman Opto’s investor sold out large volume of 1 million shares.

Shareholders sell stock

On Aug. 15 and Oct. 29, Ledman Opto shareholder Jiede Share Investment Company (杰得股权投资合伙企业) sold a total of 4.2 million shares in the company. Company sources noted the sales had nothing to do with the company’s basic operations.

Expanding media businesses operations expected disturbances

Recently, Ledman Opto held a Chinese First League business forum. The market projects Ledman Opto will have an opportunity to become a TV broadcast rights distributor for Chinese First League.

Company denies Chinese soccer league deal rumors

Ledman Opto and related investors announced, the company has signed a partnership agreement with China Football Association Super League (CSL) to develop LED displays R&D, and advertisement management, but not as a named sponsor. TV broadcast rights currently do not exist in China, and cooperating with CSL or continuing are both included in this model.

Divergence in organization

A single organization sold out RMB 9.92 million worth of shares on Dec. 3, according to Based on Ledman Opto’s 3Q14 financial report, many investment organizations have deployed their business strategy in 3Q14, and the organization’s future conditions are worth following.

Recently, Ledman Opto acquired many companies in the industry. Under the domestic LED production catalysis, Ledman Opto’s net profit has exceeded expectations. The sports industry’s supportive policies and subsidiaries has led to the sports market’s optimistic outlook. Ledman Opto has been a LED partner for CSL and Chinese First League, with hopes of further improving its performance. Yet, one factor to take into consideration is the market fails to meet performance expectations.

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