OMS employs OSRAM Opto Semiconductors LEDs in new in-store luminaires

The right lighting in stores has a very significant effect on how shoppers perceive merchandise and its attractiveness. Also exhibits in museums and galleries and at trade fairs only really show themselves to advantage when they are staged with the right lighting. With Startrack from OMS, OSRAM Opto Semiconductors equips a luminaire for the retail sector using high-performance Golden DRAGON Plus LED. These LEDs have impressive specifications and are small. In retail outlets as well as numerous other sectors, they enable merchandise and exhibits to be viewed in the right light.

For each Startrack luminaire by OMS eight Golden DRAGON Plus high-performance OSRAM Opto Semiconductors LEDs provide perfect lighting in retail stores, museums, exhibitions or trade fairs.

For the luminaire Startrack OMS uses the Golden DRAGON LED in various white tones. The light colour can thus be selected easily depending on the type of product or exhibit. With its small dimensions, the Golden DRAGON Plus can be easily incorporated in the luminaire and offers luminaire designers a great deal of flexibility and creative scope. Their long life of over 50,000 hours (depending on operating conditions) and superior efficiency ensure prolonged usage and therefore a reduced payback period.

The Startrack has been designed to be incorporated in existing aluminium rails. The luminaire is suitable in principle for virtually any store lighting application. It can be individually adjusted so the light direction can be flexibly modified. Eight Golden DRAGON LEDs per luminaire (10W input) replace one 75W halogen lamp. As LEDs do not emit heat generated by light, no harm can be done to sensitive products such as food or valuable exhibits.

“For luminaire producers like us, LEDs are a technology we really want to shape. Today we’re already certain that LEDs are fundamentally changing luminaire design and enabling new forms such as integration in ceilings and furniture,” explains Martin Bílek at OMS.

For each Startrack luminaire by OMS eight Golden DRAGON Plus high-performance OSRAM Opto Semiconductors LEDs provide perfect lighting in retail stores, museums, exhibitions or trade fairs.

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