Lunera Lighting Partners with One Million Lights, a Non-Profit Organization to Help Illuminate Developing World Countries

Approximately 25% of the world’s Population lives life with no Electric Lighting

Lunera™ Lighting, a Silicon Valley company that designs, manufactures, and markets next-generation digital LED lighting, is pleased to announce its partnership with One Million Lights. Lunera engineers are working closely with OML to design and distribute LED lights for its philanthropic program.

An estimated 1.6-billion people, live a life without electric lighting. They must often get by with inadequate illumination that is provided by an unhealthy, polluting, and costly kerosene lamp.

“Lunera has initiated, a ‘one-plus-one’, time-and-space program to help One Million Lights achieve its ambitious and important goal,”, stated Michael Lesyna, CEO of Lunera Lighting. “Every Lunera employee donates one hour a month to OML projects. In addition, one percent of the total floor space in our Redwood City, California facility is dedicated specifically for usage by One Million Lights. These two initiatives provide OML with no-cost manpower while significantly lowering their overhead costs.”

The World Health Organization states 300 lux of lighting enables an individual to read without eye strain, however typical kerosene lamps used in impoverished communities only provide 10 lux of light. Imagine trying to read a book, or study school work using a paltry 10-lux of light. That is exactly what people in many third-world countries have to do on a daily basis. One Million Lights, a part of the nonprofit World of Color, has set out to improve the daily lives of both children and adults in poor rural areas by distributing solar-powered LED lights to schools and homes around the globe.

Both Lunera and One Million Lights share the idea that good lighting makes a difference in people’s lives. In the case of children in developing nations, lighting improves literacy, extends hours dedicated to education, and makes school more enjoyable.

“The enjoyment of reading translates into longer reading times and better comprehension,” commented Anna Sidana, CEO for One Million Lights. “This in turn has a ripple effect on the overall education level of the student, as reading is the foundation for understanding all school subjects. This is a life changing light and as fundamental as food and water.”

As its name implies, One Million Lights is dedicated to distributing 1,000,000 lights to underdeveloped areas around the world. Among other things, this will improve the opportunity for children in rural communities to study and learn. The organization arranges the donation of a solarpowered LED lights that are eco-friendly, robust, and built specifically for rugged conditions, such as those found in rural, developing nations.

“We are impressed with what One Million Lights is trying to accomplish, as well as their strategy,” said Mark Walsh, Lunera co-founder. “When we founded Lunera, we decided to make it part of our culture to reach out to humanitarian organizations that share our expertise.”

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