MSI’s Mini LED Laptop to Launch, Warming up the Market for Mini LED Applications

At CES 2020, Taiwan-based laptop manufacturer MSI introduced its notebook product adopting Mini LED backlit display, Creator 17. The Mini LED laptop with 4K UHD resolution will be launched on April 15, 2020 at US$ 1799.

Creator 17 is a 17.3 inch laptop with Mini LED backlit display, achieving a resolution of 4K and a brightness of 1,000 nits based on the 240 dimming zones. With the launch of the Mini LED laptop, many LED manufacturers are looking forward to a booming market for the display technology.

(Image: MSI)

Consumer products adopting Mini LED technology are expected to push market demands in 2020. It is rumored that Apple will launch 6 products implementing Mini LED backlit displays including iPad Pro and MacBook Pro this year.

Epistar, the Taiwanese LED chip maker, is seeing the rising demand in Mini LED technology and will be ready with increased production capacity in 2Q20 for the growth expected in the third quarter. The company is turning the major capacity in Taiwan into Mini LED production. Currently the production operation in Taiwan is not affected by the coronavirus pandemic and the utility rate may peak by the fourth quarter in 2020.

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