Vertical Farming Program to Address Food Education and Health Diet in Jersey City, U.S.

The City of Jersey City in the U.S. is launching the municipal vertical farming program together with vertical farm technology supplier AeroFarms and World Economic Forum. The program is aim to support healthy diet for people living in area and spark awareness.

The initiative will establish 10 vertical farms throughout Jersey City located in senior centers, schools, public housing complexes, and municipal buildings. The 10 sites will grow 19,000 pounds of vegetables annually using water mist and minimal electricity. The food will be free to the public.

(Image: AeroFarms)

The city will partner with AeroFarms for three years, using the company’s technologies to grow crops including kale and arugula. AeroFarms’ patented growth method mist crops with a solution of nutrients, water and oxygen and exposed them with LED lighting of exact spectrum, intensity and frequency according to the requirements of plants.

“This partnership will allow us to provide thousands of pounds of locally-grown, nutritious foods that will help close the hunger gap and have an immeasurable impact on the overall health of our community,” Jersey City Mayor, Steven Fulop said.

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