More than one month has passed since Philips Lumiblade posted a teaser video on its Facebook account hinting the company’s OLEDs will be traveling to space on a NASA space shuttle. The tight lipped company has finally revealed the OLED application in space, and to our surprise had nothing to do with the shuttle’s interior lighting.
Instead the OLEDs are being packed into three BioCDs, a device that uses optics to analyze protein arrays. The three Lumiblade OLED type small red dot are contained in these BioCDs as seen in this photo, where the components are undergoing integration for Thermal Vacuum and Power Test (TVPM).
Nasa BioCDs using Philips Lumilade OLEDs undergo TVPM tests. (Photo Courtesy of NASA)
The spacecraft will be carrying three BioCD contained in two rotating assemblies and one stationary assembly.
Related entry: Philips Lumiblade to Reveal OLED Space Applications