Currently, LCD panel’s market is facing fluctuating on its pricing. After those dominate manufacturers are competing each other to promote themselves to next generation product line, the trend is increasing their ratio on using LED backlight module.
Incrementally, there are more LCD products using LED backlight module for power efficiency issue.
Among them, the LED backlight’s application on Notebook is taking the lead. Japanese manufacturers take the first run on using LED backlight module on 14.1” and 15.4” wide screen LCD instead of original 12”, and 13.3” LCD. They are already using LED backlight module on their laptop or LCD panel for laptop, including Sony, Sharp, Toshiba, Fujitsu, TMDisplay, Samsung Electronics, and Taiwanese LCD manufacturers, CMO, AUO, and ASUS…etc.
Samsung are going to increase their ratio to approximately 50% using LED back light module, this action is definitely a positive stimulant of LED backlight module’s market.