LED Systems, Technology and Application Fair, which has been organized by Marmara Fair since 2007, will be held on between 30 September to 3 October 2010, in Istanbul Expo Center.
One of the most prominent feature of LED Technology is contributing to enegry effiency. Therefore, this year LED Fair is supported by the Ministry of Enegy, as well as in 2009. Also within the scope of this support, Turkiye’s first LED Conference and LED Contest is being organized.
According to Feridun Bayram, General Manager of Marmara Fair, "LED technology is very exciting for professionals and has very wide usage areas. When we decided to organize an exhibition about LED, our colleagues likened us to Don Quixote because of our courage. But today, LED FAIR is taking the pulse of LED Industry and everybody is appreciating our talent of prediction. Therefore, LED Conference and LED Contest that we are trying to increase the international scale of them, will definitely contribute to the academic studies, and also public and private sector.
LED Systems, Technology and Application Conference will take place from 30th September to 1st October.
LED Conference will be held concurrently with LED Systems, Technology and Application Fair between the dates of 30th September to 1st October 2010. On 25th February, a meeting has been held in the offfice of Marmara Fair with participation of Ministry of Energy, which is supporting LED Conference as well as LED FAIR.
The members from Turkish National Committee on Illumination, the academicians working on LED from different universities and sector professionals from Philips, Osram and Elisolar companies also attanded this meeting which conference topics and committees have been formed. The conference topics are determined as below.
• Performance Booster Materials
• Manufacturing Technologies
• Products
• Test Standards and Measurements
• Applications (Lighting and Other)
• Application Advantages / Disadvantages
• Investment and Finance
• R&D Supports
• LED Efficiency and Quality Criteria
• Policies
• Material Development
• Product Development
The committees of LED Conference, which will cover lots of different features of LED next to energy efficiency, have been also formed. The abstracts of presentations should be sent to the address of application@ledconference.com until 1st July, 2010. The accepted studies will be announced on 30th July, 2010. LED Systems, Technology and Application Conference can be followed from official conference website www.ledconference.com.
The First Steps Have Been Taken for Turkiye’s First LED Contest
LED Contest, which is supported by Ministry of Energy, will host both amateurs and professionals. The main goal of the contest is making contribution to the development of LED sector which is growing rapidly in all over the world. LED Contest also aims to convey information on proper usage of LED.
The contest topics are determined as below.
• R&D (LED and OLED)
• LED Product Development
Each topic will be divided into two as professional and amateur. The conditions of the contest will be determined until 30th March, 2010.
The juries for the contest are identified as below.
Jury for R&D
• Elisolar Company Owner, Dr. Murat DURAK
• Kocaeli University Department of Electrical Engineering, Assoc. Prof. Dr. Canan PERDAHCI
• Gazi University Physics Department, Prof. Dr. Süleyman OZCELIK
• Ege University Solar Energy Institute, Prof. Dr. Canan VARLIKLI
• T.C. Ministry of Energy and Natural Resources, Directorate-General of Energy Affairs Can POLAT
• EMO (To Be Announced)
Jury for LED Product Development
• Philips, Segment Marketing Manager Derya ERCAN
• PLD Turkey, Emre GUNEŞ
• ITU Lighting Energy Institute, Turkish National Committee on Illumination, Vice President Prof. Dr. Sermin ONAYGIL
• Kocaeli University Department of Electrical Engineering, Assoc. Prof. Dr. Canan PERDAHCI
• Turkish National Committee on Illumination, General Secretary, and YTU Architecture Fac. Architecture Dep. President Prof. Dr. Rengin UNVER
• T.C. Ministry of Energy and Natural Resources, Directorate-General of Energy Affairs Can POLAT
• Osram (To Be Announced)
About Marmara Fair Organization.
Marmara Fair Organization was established in 1999. Ever since the organization has came into action, it has moved ahead in a steadfast and stable manner, presenting sector specific fairs in the market place. Accordingly, Marmara Fair Organization has earned a reputable position among the fair/exhibition companies.
Well-qualified staffs of Marmara Fair are always working at the highest calibre to provide the best services and results. Every detail, even if minuscule, is considered and calculated to provide the upmost quality in the sevices that we provide. Our firm is working harder each year to improve the quality of the fairs we provide by striving to meet international standards.