Daktronics worked with ImageNet Consulting and Rand Elliott Architects to install a new LED video wall for Flogistix, petroleum engineering and technology experts in the gas and oil industry. The display was recently installed at the company’s corporate space in Oklahoma City, Oklahoma, to create an immersive conference room experience.
The relationship between Rand Elliott Architects and ImageNet Consulting was leveraged to determine the purpose and story behind the space, and then the technology side was researched. Daktronics IMD (Integrated Matrix Device) LED technology was established as the video solution to help bring this collaborative room to life in conjunction with cameras, speakers and microphones.
“This room has everything a technology-focused company like Flogistix can use for any meeting or presentation scenario,” said ImageNet AV Director Kyle Kempf. “With all of these cutting-edge pieces of technology merged into such a flexible QSYS system, we also appreciate that the Flogistix team inherently understands software application development and benchmarking. We are constantly learning and adapting the functionality of the space as use cases change the more they use the room. The Flogistix team is a fantastic group, a continued joy to work with, and their mission is something few others can match in their sector. It is a pleasure to continue building the partnership we have with their entire team.”
The display features Integrated Matrix Device (IMD) LED technology consisting of red, green and blue pixels mounted in a 2×2 array to achieve extremely close pixel spacing. It was installed using Daktronics Speed Frame wall mounting system to improve the installation process on site. This allowed for a quicker, easier installation for ImageNet and Daktronics while also getting the display up and running in a timely manner for Flogistix.
“This corporate conference space is unlike most others we’ve encountered,” added Jim Vasgaard, Daktronics national sales manager for the AV sales channel. “Flogistix is really setting the standard with hidden speakers and hidden cameras to create a clean visual space. It really is a fantastic use of technology and space to make an incredible experience. We’re thrilled to have our LED technology be a part of it.”
Additional System Details
Secretly framing the video wall display, Sonance Invisible Series Speakers are buried in the front wall and ceiling drywall to form a 7.1 immersive audio experience. A fully automated QSYS audio/video/control/video conferencing experience drives the function of the space. For video calls, two Sennheiser TCC2 room mics and eight Q-SYS PTZ cameras extend down on lifts from the ceiling to allow the general collaborative use cases to maintain the clean lines designed and implemented by Rand Elliott.

Daktronics offers a line of narrow pixel pitch LED displays ranging from 2.5-millimeters down to 0.7-millimeter pixel spacings. This product line brings expansive opportunities to those spaces commonly associated with LCD technology to create luxurious and immersive environments, share artistic digital content or show detailed, high-quality video.
TrendForce 2024 Global LED Video Wall Market Outlook and Price Cost Analysis
Release Date: 28 September 2023
Language: Traditional Chinese / English
Format: PDF
Page: 273
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