Lighting Facts Label is a part of the SSL Quality Advocates voluntary pledge program, to help consumers finding good LED lighting fixtures. It is also a program of U.S. Department of Energy (DOE).

Anatomy of the Lighting Facts Label
Light Output/Lumens
Measures light output. The higher the number, the more light is emitted.
Reported as “Total Integrated Flux (Lumens)” on LM-79 test report.
Measures energy required to light the product. The lower the wattage, the less energy used.
Reported as “Input Power (Watts)” on LM-79 report.
Lumens per Watt/Efficacy
Measures efficiency. The higher the number, the more efficient the product.
Reported as “Efficacy” on LM-79 test report.
IESNA LM-79-2008
Industry standardized test procedure that measures performance qualities of LED luminaires and integral lamps. It allows for a true comparison of luminaires regardless of the light source.
Registration Number
Unique number given to each manufacturer and product once they have been registered, verified, and approved. Only products with valid registration numbers may display the Lighting Facts label.
Model Number
Unique manufacturer's model number for the product.
Specific type of solid-state lighting fixture.
The brand the product is available under.
Color Rendering Index (CRI)
Measures color accuracy.
Color rendition is the effect of the lamp's light spectrum on the color appearance of objects.
Correlated Color Temperature (CCT)
Measures light color.
“Cool” colors have higher Kelvin temperatures (3600–5500 K);
“Warm” colors have lower color temperatures (2700–3500 K).