City of Boston is under the process of replacing more than 14,000 mercury-vapor street and roadway luminaires with Philips Hadco's New RX1 and RX2 LEDs.

The LED's are expected to save the city approximately 8.9 million kilowatt hours of energy each year, yielding a savings of about $1.1 million annually in the cost of electricity.
The project also coincides with the release of the City's updated climate action plan, "A Climate of Progress," which calls for reducing citywide greenhouse gas emissions 25-percent by 2020.
The RX1 is based on the Philips LEDGINE LED platform, which features LUXEON LEDs and a modular approach which allows for future upgrades as the technology advances.
Designed to last for about 18 years, or four times longer than the lamps they are replacing, the Philips Hadco RX1 and RX2 LEDGINE luminaires are also expected to generate considerable savings in maintenance costs for the city. They are mercury-free and are available in multiple color temperatures.
It’s expected to complete the installation in December 2011. Philips Hadco worked with Hurry Associates on this project.