Satco Products filed suit against The Regents of the University of California at Santa Barbara (UCSB) in the United States District Court of the Eastern District of New York to declare that the company does not infringe patents claimed by UCSB.
In the press release of Satco, the company noted that it brought the legal action to seek a declaration that Satco Products, identified in the UCSB claim letters, do not infringe any of the ten patents asserted by UCSB.
Satco also mentioned that it would aggressively defend its products and protect its customers from unwarranted claims.

UCSB has filed a complaint with the U.S. International Trade Commission on its filament LED technology against five major retailers including Walmart, Target, IKEA, and Bed Bath & Beyond. However, Satco was not the list of the filament LED lawsuit. The ten patents that UCSB claimed to have been infringed by Satco were also related to filament LED bulbs.