Light emitting diodes (LEDs) are rapidly taking the place of older, less durable and energy-efficient lighting technologies around the world. As chemicals and materials are needed at all stages of the LED fixture's manufacturing process, chemical companies will play a critical role in the future success of the LED industry. The breadth of material requirements means that few market participants have visibility across the entire market, creating the need for a holistic vision of market potential.
New analysis from Frost & Sullivan, Analysis of the Global LED Materials Market, finds that revenue growth in chemicals demand is expected to be ahead of growth in the LED industry itself. The LED materials market, which earned revenue of US$ 5.01 billion in 2013, will reach revenues of US $11.71 billion in 2018. The study includes applications for chemicals through the four stages of the LED manufacturing value chain: chip fabrication, packaging, module construction, and fixture assembly.
Historically, demand for LEDs in electronics applications such as display backlighting has driven growth in chemicals demand for LED applications. However, this market is now relatively mature, and demand from the general lighting sector will dominate future growth. Of the four value chain tiers involved in manufacturing LEDs, the greatest need for chemicals will emerge from the final stage, assembling the fixture.
"While prices of LEDs are falling at all stages of the value chain, price pressure is particularly strong in the packaging stage," noted Frost & Sullivan Performance Materials Industry Principal Brian Balmer. "As a result, chemical companies that offer innovative products enabling cost savings for LED manufacturers will be well-positioned to succeed."
Further, market participants must leverage design opportunities offered by the LED space. Unlike traditional luminaires, LED light sources need not be designed around a replaceable bulb. The possibilities for innovative designs and material options will give rise to opportunities that did not exist with previous lighting technologies.
"Chemical companies, therefore, need to partner with fixture manufacturers to help them understand how chemicals and materials can be used to design the LED fixtures of the future," said Balmer.
Analysis of the Global LED Materials Market is part of the Chemicals & Materials ( Growth Partnership Service program and highlights opportunities for chemical companies in the LED industry. Frost & Sullivan's related studies include research in the LED end-markets, including World LED Lighting Markets (Dec 2013), which covers general lighting applications, and Global LED Display and Lighting Market (Feb 2013), which covers electronic backlighting and automotive applications. All studies included in subscriptions provide detailed market opportunities and industry trends evaluated following extensive interviews with market participants.