The Delhi Electricity Regulatory Commission (DERC) in India rejected a petition by the South Delhi Municipal Corporation (SDMC) requesting for reduction in energy charges payable by them to BSES Rajdhani, reported The Times of India.
The South Delhi organization asked for lowering charges of the per electricity unit consumption by LED streetlights.
SDMC said lowering the charges was key to spur the usage of LEDs in streetlights, but regulators dismissed the petition saying that a midway revision of tariff for a particular category was neither practical nor feasible, since it may impact other categories.
DERC intends to announce the revised tariffs for fiscal 2016 to 2017, but the announcement is not likely to be announced anytime soon.
The petition filed by SDMC used West Bengal Electricity Regulatory Commission (WBERC) reduced energy charges per kWh for streetlights used in streetlights as an example. It further submitted that other state electricity regulatory commissions including Rajasthan and Punjab also reduced their tariffs.