More Mini and Micro LED Products and Solutions at Touch Taiwan 2019

Micro LED and Mini LED products are going to be the spot lights at this year’s Touch Taiwan, the Taiwan-based display show which will take place in Taipei, Taiwan during August 28 to 30.

Micro LED is regarded the next generation display technology with its excellent performance including high brightness, high contrast, low power consumption and long lifetime which suppress OLED. Despite that several manufacturing barriers have slow down the commercialization process of Micro LED, worldwide technology developers have teamed up to leverage their expertise in solving production difficulties. As result, we have seen many big names presenting their Micro LED display products at business fairs recently. At InfoComm 2019, Sony exhibited a 440-inch Crystal LED display and Samsung launched the latest version of its Micro LED display, The Wall Luxury, which can be extended to 292 inches in 8K definition.

On the other hand, Mini LED backlight technology, with its local dimming function which features high contrast rate, is competing directly with current OLED display. LEDinside addressed that costs for Mini LED backlit displays may even be lower than their OLED counterparts.

Taiwan panel manufacturers are active players in the development of Mini LED and Mini LED backlight technology. Panel makers AUO and Innolux joined hands with their respective LED subsidiaries in development, AUO with Lextar, and Innolux with AOT, Epileds and other companies as main collaborators.

Micro LED and Mini LED technology solutions will be focused at Touch Taiwan 2019 with more and more companies participating in the event with their advanced technologies related to Micro LED and Mini LED including components, materials, transfer and bonding equipment and driver ICs.

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