From 5-8th of January 2023 Inuru will exhibit everyday things, that contain visual interfaces for user interaction at CES, North Hall, Booth 9274.
Las Vegas, NV, USA. Inuru is on a mission to enlighten the world with visual interfaces on everyday things. Aside from being visually stunning, they can be useful too. Inuru will showcase three (3) major applications for its self-powered electro-luminous-films (elf).
World premiere in marketing applications.
Inuru is so far known for special limited editions for marketing campaigns of big brands, like the Coca-Cola X Star-Wars limited edition in 2019. Since then the technology has matured and is ready to be industrialized.
A world-renowned company will introduce a completely new luminous product line, that will disrupt their industry. This product will be shown to the world first time at CES.
„Everybody asked us, when can we as consumers buy one luminous product. We are happy to announce that the time has finally come.“, Marcin Ratajczak (39), CEO/Founder Inuru.
Aside from that, booth visitors will have the chance to experience solutions that light up on touch, unboxing, react to music following the beat, or catch their attention on shelves.
The products will be featured in an immersive cyber-punk experience, resembling a take-and-go store from the future.
World premiere medical applications
At CES 2023 Inuru will showcase medical packaging applications, where light is used to warn and guide patients on how to use medicine or medical devices correctly.
„Medication adherence is a huge problem. It concerns you, your parents, and eventually your kids. Inuru tech improves medication rates significantly. We do this by communicating to the patient at the surface of the medical packaging or device. No apps needed. It is augmented reality without glasses. We augment products.“ says Marcin Ratajczak.
Aside from increasing awareness from visibility and product appeal, light can function as a means of communication similar to status LEDs on electronic devices today. With Inuru now this can be expanded to every surface.
Paper-thin labels that warn patients of expired medicine or guide them on how to use and dose correctly are being showcased at CES for the first time. They have been proven to work in multiple studies so far. Visitors will be able to experience this solution by themselves.
World premiere in fashion applications.
Luminous clothing will step out of its today niche at CES with Inuru’s fashion applications. While being a new way how to design clothes, the light can be useful to protect pedestrians by increasing visibility on the way to school, work, or at the place of work.
„We had a major breakthrough in lifetimes for our printed light in 2022. With this increasing, we are now able to offer applications that live longer than 1000’s of hours. And off course they are washable, “ Patrick Barkowski (40), CTO/Founder Inuru.

Compared to conventional electronic solutions, Inuru elf’s are easy to integrate. Companies can simply stitch or press the luminous film onto fashion and the light-up product is ready. No additional investment are needed from the manufacturing side.
Visitors will be able to see an early showcase of luminous fashion, that shall hit the stores later in the year of 2023. Pre-orders for prototypes can be taken now.
Patented nano-technology
Inuru has managed to condense whole electronics battery powered-circuity in the size of a paper-thin label. The key breakthrough comes from printed OLED lighting technology that allows Inuru to print OLEDs in any shape, on-demand, as easily as you print color on paper.
These self-powered films are called elf 's, which stand for electro-luminous films. These are easy-to-integrate films, that can be added onto every surface to upgrade the product to be either actively shining or communicating with the user.
"Elf's operate context based. The light reacts to certain events. Elf is constantly sensing for this events. It makes no sense for an expired medicine to light up when not expired." adds Patrick Barkowski.
Inuru has been working since 11 years to perfect this technology, to be ready to provide the desired functionality to customers and at the same time to be easy to use:
„The overall vision is, that companies around the world take our tech, include them in their products and create the next generation of smart things. In the past integrating electronics required a lot of effort and cost. This is over. We solve this with elf's“, says Marcin Ratajczak.
Head-quartered in Berlin, Germany with an office in Warsaw, Poland - Inuru is currently planning to enter the US market in 2023. Marketing applications are ready to ship and can be ordered now. Pre-orders for medial applications and fashion are currently starting so that companies can prepare product launches for then end of 2023. To support the growth of the company Inuru is currently investing into a new high-tech production plant in the south of Berlin, Germany, building the first printed OLED factory in the world.