The Orca LEDs from Bivar is featured with the optimum flux and intensity that offers the highest light output among competitors. Orca can be applied to design of vehicle brake lights, decorative interior or exterior lighting, specialty stage lighting, or a multi-colored signage presentation.

Orca offers a diversity of four viewing angles at 45 degree, 80 degree, 160 degree, and 30 x 45 degree oval projection. This wide variety of choices gives end users the desired versatility in designing their creative lighting products.
Additionally, the ORCA four-pin lead-frame design has the ruggedness to withstand the ultimate of any abrasive surroundings. The LED will not be damaged or separated from electrical contact due to harsh environment. Unlike LEDs with two pins that rupture easily when heavy shock or vibration is experienced; Orca will consistently provide the highest dependability under the most rigorous situation.