Some 64m2 of Martin Professional LC Series™ LED panels are being used as dynamic, movable set columns for “The Visit of the Royal Physician” (Livlægens Besøg) at the Copenhagen Opera House, one of the most modern opera houses in the world.
As an important element of the opera’s overall scenography, the LED panels are divided into four vertical segments which can glide separately or be combined as part of a large scenic wall.
“We combined an 18th Century look with a very modern tool,” lighting designer Per Sundin stated about the modular LED panels. “We got both the historical theatre look and the latest modern look together and it works very well.”
The mobile set design includes a total of 16 vertical set pieces, each two meters wide by eight meters tall and all positioned on tracks so they can be moved across the stage. Apart from the four set pieces with the LC panels, the other twelve columns are painted.
LC panels are used as LED panel projectors to project onto a black back-projection screen, in front of which is a painted scrim. “The two materials diffuse the pixels for a slightly frosted look,” the Swedish LD says, “but not so much that you cannot read text. It works very well.”
There has been a growing trend in stage productions of building LED into set designs, said Sundin. “I think you will see LED incorporated into sets more and more, and because the LC panels are light they can be implemented into set pieces fairly easily,” he says. “It’s a totally different way to use this tool. Also, with an opera house that is repertoire like this, they have to build and rebuild a lot so it’s important to have equipment that is easy to set up.”
The Martin LC Series LED panels are modular and lightweight and are often praised for their ease of set up. They use standard Prolyte CCS6 conical truss connectors, so linking the panels together is simple, and with no external power supplies or drivers, each unit comes with everything it needs built in.
“The set columns are big and it would have been too heavy with full res HD LED. The idea was to use something very light but we were a bit afraid of low resolution, but the result has been excellent. The LC is so light it could be handled and easily moved. Everyone at the opera house including the technicians are very happy with them,” Sundin concludes.