Made of state-of-the-art technology and consisting of German-Russian components, Optogan says its E27 lamp has features on par with the best of world standards. The new light source is claimed to be significantly less expensive than its European counterparts.

From September onwards, the first contingent of bulbs will be available for 995 Rubles in both Moscow and St. Petersburg. In early 2012 the bulb will be introduced to the global market – the target price then should be around €30.
Optogan´s designer bulb is a convincing contribution to global energy savings. The lamp's power consumption tolls 11 W, which is about 6 times lower than of an incandescent lamp. The life cycle exceeds 50,000 hours, corresponding to 6 years of continuous illumination. Should the bulb be used 3 to 4 hours per day, the Optogan E27 is designed to operate for more than 46 years.
Optogan says its E27 has solved the problem of light fluctuations, in particular fluctuations which adversely affect human health when working long-term under artificial lighting;. the E27 is claimed to provide a smooth, warm white light which has a positive effect on a person's well-being. Unlike incandescent and fluorescent lamps, it does not contain dangerous substances such as mercury or lead.
LED light sources are not affected by turning them on or off frequently. This does not affect their life as drastically as it does with incandescent or worse still, fluorescent lamps.
Optogan says that presently, the market share of LED light sources in Russia is about 5-6%. Experts estimate that by 2015 the share of LEDs in the domestic market will exceed 25%. Global acceptance too hovers around the 3% mark. The addition of late adopters is expected to push this contingent up to the 20% mark by the middle of this decade.