The main benefits of the interface specifications for LED light sources
With its interface specifications, Zhaga makes it possible to develop interchangeable LED light sources. Menno Treffers, Secretary General of Zhaga, summarises the most important benefits as follows:
Success factor cost reduction. "LED light sources improve rapidly. A state-of-the-art LED light source will be mediocre within six month after its introduction. That forces manufacturers of LED luminaires to constantly upgrade the LEDs in their products. They can upgrade without re-designing their products if they use a light source with stable interfaces. Stability reduces development costs. Additionally, standardized light sources are manufactured in higher volumes which help drive down cost of the light source. The end-users naturally benefits, since the cost savings can be passed on."
Success factor risk reduction. "The stability of Zhaga’s interface specifications reduce business risks for all parties along the supply chain – for LED module makers, for luminaire manufacturers, and for the end-users. LED module makers know that they can more easily sell modules that don’t need a redesign of their customer’s luminaire. Luminaire manufacturers know that they can source Zhaga-compliant modules from multiple manufacturers and that they will not be dependent on a single supplier. End-users know that when they buy the same luminaire next year, this luminaire will contain a state-of-the-art LED light source, and they know that replacement parts will be available from more than one supplier.”
Success factor trust. "Products that carry the Zhaga logo comply with the Zhaga interface specifications. The compliance of each product is verified by an independent test lab. The Zhaga logo stands for interchangeability of LED light sources. And interchangeability is guaranteed globally, independent of manufacturer, independent of region – in America, Europe and Asia."