It is believed that many people may have such an unpleasant experience that when you need a flashlight, the flashlight can be found but cannot find the battery to light it, if flashlight also can emit light without the help of battery, such unpleasant experience will not occur any longer.
Recently, AnnMakosinski, a 15-year-old girl from Canada, invented an eco-friendly flashlight; it can emit light without the use of battery.

The flashlight works in accordance with the thermoelectric effect; it is powered by the heat of user's hand and the environmental temperature heat. However, scientists suspect that whether the human body can produce enough heat to maintain a flashlight battery, the latest flashlight this girl invented has not used all heat of human body, just only the palm heat.
The use of LEDs make this flashlight to be more simple, she measured that the palm heat can generate about 57 milliwatts electric energy, while about 0.5 mW electric energy is needed to light this LED Flashlight, the lights flashlight released are very soft, but enough to find you keys or illuminate a book page.
It is reported that if the Google Science Fair Jury appreciate this invention, this LED Flashlight is expected to be granted with Super Invention Award.