Leicestershire County Council in UK has proposed to invest more than GRB 25 million (US $39.2 million) to convert the city’s outdated sodium lights to LED streetlights to cut energy bills, according to a BBC report.
If the streetlight upgrade plan is approved, the county will retrofit a total of 67,000 bulbs in the next three years, which could help reduce energy consumption by 60% and save the county GRB 2 million per year.
Spending on lighting the streets has doubled in the last decade, due to rising energy costs, said cabinet member for highways and transport at the council, Peter Osbourne.
Starting in 2013, the county began switching off 35,000 streetlights overnight and dimming 1,000 to save GRB 800,000 a year.
The Leicester City Council has replaced more than 18,000 sodium lights with LEDs as part of a GRB 13 million plan to replace 33,000 streetlights by the end of 2015.