Predator Guard Offers Solar-Powered LED Lights For Snow Leopard Conservation

Only 4,500 to 7,500 snow leopards remain in the wild of central Asia. Living in the remote, rugged mountains, these endangered animals continue to be threatened by the humans sharing their land. Conflicts with traditional livestock herders have escalated sharply in recent years, resulting in retaliatory killings of snow leopards. From the Himalayas north to Siberia, sheep and goat herders are especially angered by the carnage that occurs when a snow leopard enters a corral and kills up to 30 or more of the confined animals.

Last year, the Tsendhorol family lost thirty sheep and goats to predators, which translates to an economic loss of about $1,000 where the annual average income is less than $4,000 per family. This year, they were able to efficiently and harmlessly deter snow leopards from their livestock corrals using Predator Guard deterrent devices, thus losing no animals to snow leopard predation.

Predator Guard deterrent devices are solar-powered, maintenance-free units designed to self charge and auto-switch on at dusk and off at dawn. At night, the deterrent devices emit a constant flash of high-intensity red LED lights, which appear as the eyes of another predator in the darkness. Wild animals are thrown off guard and quickly vacate the area.

By being exposed to electronic deterrent devices snow leopards are learning to avoid certain areas. Meanwhile, herders no longer need to actively guard their livestock at night. Instead, they are able to sleep soundly at home with their families, knowing their main source of income—the cashmere wool produced by their goats—is safe.

Predator Guard is working closely with the Snow Leopard Conservancy to offer electronic predator deterrent devices to more herder communities throughout Central Asia, in areas where snow leopards are known to live.

Predator Guard
Drew Waters,
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