It will take some time before the effects from MOCVDs and other LED chip equipment acquired in 2014 will become evident, but it is expected the new equipment will make significant contributions to this year’s revenue growth, announced Chinese LED manufacturer HC SemiTek recently in an investor relations statement.
The company has implemented a three phase MOCVD installation plan for new equipment it purchased in 2014. In the first phase, 48 MOCVDs in the company’s subsidiary in Zhangjiagang City in Jiangsu Province, China. In the second phase of the company’s expansion project, six MOCVDs will be allocated for AlInGaP production. Two of these AlInGaP MOCVDs have entered production. Additionally, most of the 42 MOCVDs for the third phase of the expansion project have entered production, and the company plans to complete installations for the last two phases by first half of 2015.
In a financial report released in 2014, the company announced net profits were RMB 88 million, up from previous net losses of RMB 93 million.
MLS was able to turn around losses mainly because its production capacity and sales soared in 2014. Benefits from the company’s economics of scale have gradually emerged, as the company continues to raise production capacity and cut production costs. MLS gross profits have gradually increased, leading to its rebounding profitability.