Daily LED bulb production capacity rumps up to 450,000 units. (Outrace/ LEDinside) |
On July 20th, Jiangxi Outrace Technology Co., Ltd (Outrace) announced that, thanks to its completely automated production lines, the company can now produce one finished product every 3 seconds. Daily output of LED bulbs alone has been ramped up to around 450,000 units, while most of the peers are maxing out at around 200,000 units, evidencing that Outrace has brought capacity up to double that of other LED bulb manufactures.
Outrace managing director Zhang Jun explained that the completely automated production process has allowed the manufacturer to make the goal of "one finished product every 3 seconds" a reality. One third of the company's 456 production lines are completely automated. He said, "the ratio will be further increased when the installation of additional fully automated lines is completed and the lines are put into operation."
The 15 LED bulb automated production lines, a new achievement of Outrace's in-house research and development team, allowed Outrace to boost output to 450,000 or more LED bulbs daily. Industry statistics show that on average daily production at most LED bulb manufacturers hovers around 200,000 units.
To ensure its success in global markets, Outrace built its automatic production in line with ISO9001 international quality management system standards, starting from the raw materials and accessories purchasing through to the finished product. Chinese companies view ISO9001 certification as a passport for entering global markets, as the certification obliges companies to live up to international standards in all aspects of management and to continuously and uniformly provide not only qualified but also high-quality products that meet customer expectations in every respect.