Victoria Freeways in Australia Receives LED Road Lights Upgrade from Traffic Technologies

Traffic  Technologies  Ltd  (TTI)  is  pleased to announce that it has achieved its first sales of LED road lights in Victoria.

First order in Australia for 1,500 freeway Category ‘V’ LED road lights. The new highly efficient road lights are currently being installed along the Monash and Calder Freeways and will give road users greater visibility and clarity on the roads as well as providing VicRoads with reduced maintenance costs, lower greenhouse emissions and energy savings of up to 30%.

Traffic Technologies logo. (Traffic Technologies/ LEDinside)

The Company has developed a series of road lights over the last two years using LED technology and has achieved a number of significant milestones:

  • First mover advantage – Category ‘V’ LED road light. The Company was the first in Australia to achieve type approval for its ‘V’ LED road light and is the only approved ‘V’ LED road light in Victoria.
  • Approvals in three States. The Company’s ‘V’ LED road light, which is designed for major freeways and roads, has so far been approved in Victoria, South Australia and the Northern Territory with trials continuing in other States.
  • Category ‘P’ LED road light. The Company is also in the final stages of obtaining approvals for its ‘P’ LED road light which is to be used on minor roads, parks and gardens. Approval of the ‘P’ LED road light is expected to significantly increase sales of the Company’s LED road lights as ‘P’ category LED road lights represent over 60% of road lights in Australia.

LED road lights offer significant savings in both power consumption and maintenance and offer an attractive alternative to conventional road lights. There are approximately 2.25 million road lights in Australia and the conversion of all Category ‘V’ and ‘P’ road lights from the old Mercury Vapour and High Pressure Sodium technology to LED represents a market opportunity of upwards of AU $800 million (US $ 556.04 million), with TTI in a prime position to capture a share of the market in the years ahead.

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