Tridonic uses LED lights and smart lighting system to create better lighting experience for luminaire designer's headquarter.(All Photo Courtesy of Tridonic)
The new headquarters of this designer luminaire manufacturers has a floor area of around 2500 square metres and accommodates a large showroom and generous meeting rooms and offices in addition to storerooms and social areas. Production facilities, warehousing, the dispatch centre, laboratories and workshops are also located at the new site. The lighting in the entire building is state of the-art with regard to technology, visual comfort and energy efficiency. Long-life LED light sources are used together with the connecDIM light management system with which the artificial lighting is regulated according to the amount of available daylight, creating the ideal conditions with optimum energy efficiency based on demand.
A look of Sattler headquarter.
The lights follow you round
There are more than 50 MSensors installed throughout the building which send both movement and ambient light parameters to the connecDIM gateway. The connecDIM gateway is the heart of the system and can control up to 256 luminaires on four DALI lines independently of one another, in other words individually. At Sattler there are two gateways offering a total of eight lines. This provides enough freedom to respond with a high degree of flexibility to any changes in the use of rooms and to any future expansion. The daylight sensors inform the connecDIM gateway whether, how and in which colour and intensity it should switch on or dim the light. The aim is to provide a minimum illuminance of 700 lux at the workstations. Both the illuminance and the light colour (Tunable White) can be set on the basis of demand. It is therefore possible to control the colour temperature to simulate the changes in natural daylight over the course of a day. connecDIM is based on standard hardware and internet technologies, and provides sunrise and sunset times. Once connected to the internet, the gateway collects all the data and parameters from all the connected DALI devices and transfers them via TCP/IP to the central connecDIM cloud.