Seoul Viosys has filed a lawsuit against a U.S. company for the infringement of its patents, including the manufacturing technology of the ultraviolet LED chip, packaging and bug trap device
Seoul Viosys attempts to protect the ‘violeds’ technology which lures 13 times more Zika virus mosquitoes, and 9 times more malaria mosquitoes
Leading the UV market by spreading UV LED through the protection of its patented ‘violeds’ technology and mass production.
Seoul Viosys, a world class UV LED solution company (www.seoulviosys.com), announced that it has filed a lawsuit with the Federal District Court of Southern New York, US on Aug. 8, 2016 against P3 International, a U.S. manufacturer of home electronics products who sells their products through large retail shops such as WalMart, on the grounds that the company has infringed SEOUL VIOSYS’s UV LED mosquito trap device MosClean’s patented technology.
Last month, SEOUL VIOSYS won the patent lawsuit filed against Shalon, a manufacturer of UV LED curing systems, and made the company suspend the sales of the patent infringing product in addition to receiving damage compensation and royalty for the use of the patent. Following this lawsuit on the infringement of its UV LED curing system, SEOUL VIOSYS filed a lawsuit regarding the infringement of its UV LED mosquito trap device technology, thereby showing that it would take strong action against any company which infringes on its patented technologies.
What is at issue the patented technology in this lawsuit that includes technologies for the manufacturing of the UV LED mosquito trap, such as the manufacturing and packaging of UV LED chips optimized to lure Zika virus mosquitoes, and the manufacturing of the insect trap engine.
Seoul Viosys began to develop the UV LED mosquito trap under the advice of Professor Lee, Dongkyu, an authority in Korea on mosquitoes, by focusing on the premise that mosquitoes are lured to UV rays. After long research and development, the technology called “violeds” was finally developed and was commercialized as Mosclean, which is the best at luring mosquitoes using violeds technology.
Figure showing performance tests conducted by P3 International in U.S., Vietnam, Indonesia and Korea. (All photos courtesy of Seoul Viosys) |
As shown in performance tests conducted in the U.S, Vietnam, Indonesia and Korea, Mosclean has proven to be 4 times more effective in catching mosquitoes than the standard mosquito trap. In addition, Professor Kohler, a world authority on entomology in the U.S, proved that it is able to lure 13 times more Zika virus mosquitoes and 7 times more malaria mosquitoes than the standard mosquito traps of the U.S. CDC.
The World Health Organization (WHO) indicated that mosquitoes are the most hazardous animals to humans, and that more than 720,000 people a year around the world die due to diseases caused by mosquitoes. There are more than 200 million cases of disease caused by mosquitoes. In particular, the Zika virus, which is spread through mosquitoes, is found to be the main cause of microcephaly in new born babies. However, more than 80% of infected patients do not know that they are infected and it can be transmitted through sexual relations.
Since it is known that this technology has the ability to capture at max,13 times more Adedes aegypti (Zika) and 9 times more Anopheles sierroides (or the stained wing mosquito) than standard traps, more and more companies are stealing the patented technologies of SEOUL VIOSYS. This is why patent lawsuits have been filed against them by SEOUL VIOSYS. For the protection and expansion of violeds technology, SEOUL VIOSYS plans to continue filing lawsuits against infringing companies.
Kang, TaeWoong, president of SEOUL VIOSYS has said that “We have put a lot of energy into R&D for the development of UV LED technologies for the past 15 years, and as a result, for the first time in the world we have developed the ‘violeds’ technology. For the mass production of UV LED devices, we received approval the US Department of Defense and Foreigner Investment Committee, and increased production facilities in SETi, which is our subsidiary in the US, to expand product production. He also said that “Just as Nichia is the representative company of white and blue LED production, we will be the company representing UV LED. We will put more effort into protecting violed patented technologies and applied products, and will expand the products at a reasonable price in order to help people around the world achieve a healthier life, and cleaner and comfortable living conditions.”