Delphi Display Systems, a visual engagement technology company, announced that they completed the installation of two large format LED digital signs at the site of the new headquarters for the Pacific Symphony and OC Music and Dance. Located at 17620 Fitch Ave. in Irvine, the site is owned by Zion Enterprises, a real estate development company founded by Charlie Zhang, creator of the Pick Up Stix restaurant chain.
(Image: Delphi Display Systems) |
The first LED sign was installed as a digital backdrop behind the 150-seat Black Box Theater, spans the entire width of the stage and provides a seamless digital backdrop of color, video and imagery that enhance every live performance. “The LED signs are providing us with new, exciting ways to reach our audiences,” said Charlie Zhang. “They are very impactful, and add the perfect amount of elegance to our facility.”
The second installation is an outdoor LED dual sided monument sign that provides both organizations with the ability to use vivid digital content to promote their brands and provide information to motorists passing by. “The Symphony has heard positive feedback from many Irvine residents who are now much more aware of our new home,” said John Forsyte, President of the Pacific Symphony. “In the long run, this will lead to more foot traffic in our ticket office, interest in the classes offered by our neighbors at OC Music and Dance, and enhance general brand recognition.” Both organizations utilize Delphi’s Insight Engage® cloud based digital content management system software to schedule and update the sign on a regular basis.
“Delphi is privileged to be able to provide both the Pacific Symphony and OC Music and Dance with these digital signage platforms to help them enhance their brands and drive awareness and support from within Orange County and beyond,” said Ken Neeld, President and CEO of Delphi Display Systems. "We are thrilled to be able to play a role in supporting these critical sources of music and the arts in our community.”