Four Japanese companies, Nichia, Mitsubishi Chemical Corporation (MCC), Citizen and National Institute for Materials Science (NIMS), reported that they have been granted in the U.S. the patent (U.S. patent No. 10,072,207) to LEDs using a nitride-type red phosphor*.

(Image: Nichia)
The companies have concluded a cross-licensing agreement in 2015 for the red phosphor, which is broadly used in LED applications. Among the patents targeted by the cross-licensing agreement, a basic patent for the red phosphor is shared by the four companies. Now another basic patent related to LEDs using this type of red phosphor has been granted in the U.S.
According to the companies, they will protect the patents related to the red phosphor and LEDs using this phosphor from infringement and take appropriate measures in case of unauthorized use of this patent group.
*Note from the original press: A phosphor with a basic composition of (Sr, Ca) AlSiN3: Eu, etc. It is a red phosphor, which is most broadly used for white LEDs thanks to its high brightness and reliability. This phosphor is generally called CASN or SCASN phosphor, or 1113 phosphor.