In the latest report of LEDinside, titled “LEDinside 2019 Micro LED Next Generation Display Key Technology Report,” Micro LED technology not only features excellent performance in brightness and contrast that surpass OLED, its fast response time, low power consumption and reliability make it a perfect option for mobile and automotive applications.
However, complicated production process which leads to low yield and high production cost has slowed down the commercial progress of Micro LED display. One of the challenges lies in the quality of Micro LED chips. If the quality of Micro LED chips is good enough, it can achieve a better yield and save a lot of effort in the process of sorting, binning, inspection and repairing, which would further reduce production cost.
The production of miniaturized LED chips places extremely high requirements for epitaxy wafers in which wavelength uniformity and low defect are two essential features. To achieve high quality Micro LED epitaxy wafers, MOCVD solution providers play a critical role.

(Micro LED wafer)
MOCVD solution providers partner chip makers to advance Micro LED chips
MOCVD technology suppliers AIXTRON and Veeco have been advancing their technology to meet the high demands for Micro LED. According to AIXTRON, for a 6-inch wafer, it can reach less than 0.15 defects per square centimeter. As for wavelength uniformity, in comparison to conventional LED which the requirement for epitaxy wafer is around 8-10 nm, Veeco’s technology could achieve 3-5nm uniformity.
The equipment makers also collaborate closely with LED chip makers to leverage their strengths in advancing efficiency and quality of Micro LED chip as well as accelerating high volume production. Veeco cooperated with ALLOS, a Germany-based semiconductor company, and has achieved the reproducibility of ALLOS’ 200 mm GaN-on-Si epitaxy wafer technology for Micro LED. The US instrument provider also teamed up with Aledia who specialized in 3D LED to develop 3D Micro LEDs for display applications.
Meanwhile, AIXTRON has worked intensively with chip makers including PlayNitride and Plessey for Micro LED chip production. The German company announced a Joint Collaboration Agreement with Taiwan’s PlayNitride for GaN-based Micro LED production in January 2019. PlayNitride has supplied its Micro LED chip supplier for Samsung and Tienma.

(AIXTRON's MOCVD platform)
Plessey also adopted AIXTRON’s MOCVD solution to manufacture GaN-on-Si wafer for Micro LED. The UK-based company has showcased a Micro LED display for AR application at Display Week 2019.
At this year’s Micro LEDforum, Co-CEO and CTO of Plessey, Dr. Keith Strickland will join the event to share the company’s approach of GaN-on-Silicon monolithic Micro LED for AR or MR display application. Register now to book a seat to learn technology innovation of Micro LED with us!

Related reading:
[Micro LED Technology Research Contest – Winner] AIXTRON Improves Epitaxy Production of Micro LED to Accelerate and Optimize Technology Development
VEECO Ready to Provide Solutions for Micro LED Technology