The strawberry is one of the favorite fruits of the French, with an average consumption of 2.8kg per year per household. 53000 tonnes of strawberries are produced each year in France, mainly in Aquitaine, Provence-Alpes-Côte d’Azur and Rhône-Alpes. The bulk of sales are made around the Gariguette, the Darselect and the Elsanta.
The strawberry cultivation is done either by ground, covered or not, either above ground suspended, where the strawberry tree is for example planted in bags of compost or coconut fiber. The strawberry growers often choose indoor or tunnel cultivation in order to control the parameters of sunshine, bad weather or rain.
How horticultural LED can help strawberry cultivation ?
The horticultural lighting can be used both by strawberry producers, and strawberry tree producers (strawberry plants).
For strawberry producers, the use of a horticultural LED lighting will allow to improve:

Strawberry cultivation with LED lighting
Thus, strawberry growers can enroll in an eco-friendly production process which can also be a vector to attract consumers.
Besides these advantages, horticultural LED lights can also be used to increase plant defenses, exerting a bio-control by light, thus avoiding the use of certain pesticides or purchase beneficial insects.
Horticultural LED lamps can adapt themselves to different types of the strawberry cultivation : in horizontal greenhouse cultivation, in confined environment, even in multi-storey.