Samsung announces in brazil new micro led tv the wall.
Samsung launched this Thursday (4) its new 110-inch The Wall Micro LED IWJ-R Smart TV equipped with the latest in display technology including visual features such as Ultra Chroma and Quantum HDR, in addition to the Black Seal that delivers pure black levels, improved contrast and greater detail display.
O AllCellular participated in loco in an event held today by the manufacturer and brings all the information. This TV model adopts the so-called “infinity” design without front edges and with a refined, subtle but elegant finish. The modular function allows the user to customize the TV so that the screen matches the environment.
“A modular form factor allows The Wall’s size, shape and proportion to be customized to your room and aesthetic needs. Whether it’s a spacious foyer or a private home theater, The Wall gives you the creative freedom to optimize your use in any environment”, emphasizes Samsung.
The Wall Micro LED TV has the MagicINFO solution, facilitating content management when the device is being used commercially, that is, in malls and other establishments. All this technology and on-board quality was reflected in the final price of the television: R$ 999 thousand (nine hundred and ninety-nine thousand reais).
Samsung highlights 3 years warranty, premium service package, installation included with expert assistance and dedicated support channel. TechSmart contacted the company to find out more information about availability and, according to the press office, the 110″ version will be on the website in the next few hours with prompt delivery.
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