At the Milan Furniture Fair this April, current trends in “light- emitting-diodes” or LEDs were someting to keep an eye out for. Pictured here is the new lighting line from Philips, a Dutch company that has an edge in the industry of LED lighting.

Photo by Shuli Beimel
LED’s are not new on the scene, but evolving improvements have recently taken them to the forefront of design. These lights also have some notable energy saving features that place them in the spotlight. They last longer, use much less energy, come in many interesting shapes and sizes and work well in all weather conditions.

LED’s are a nice alternative for hallway lighting. Subtle up lighting adds pattern and interest to an otherwise dull space.
On a more futuristic note, this colorful LED light filled tunnel from Philips Color kenetics exercises the ability to shape and form light on a grand scale. Speaking of grand scales, the Empire State Building will soon be light with LED lights. Replacing the traditional spot light system will not only enhance the buildings color display, it will also help the city conserve energy and save money.