U.S.-based LiDAR maker, Velodyne Lidar, announced that it has entered a long-term global licensing agreement with Hesai Photonics Technology encompassing 360° surround-view LiDAR sensors. Based on the agreement, Velodyne and Hesai have agreed to dismiss current legal proceedings in the U.S., Germany and China that exist between the two companies.

The license agreement covers both existing and future patents of both company. David Hall, Velodyne Founder and Chairman of the Board, commented, “We think this agreement will expand the adoption of LiDAR world-wide and save lives.”
The surround-view LiDAR has been widely used for autonomous driving technology development, supporting applications in shuttles, industrial robotics and smart cities. The relationship with Hesai is the third major licensing agreement for Velodyne’s fundamental LiDAR technology.