According to the latest price survey by LEDinside, the LED research division of TrendForce, the global LED light bulb price downtrend did not persist in March – 40W equivalent LED light bulb ASP went up by almost 7%, with the uptrend mostly attributed to Japan and the United Kingdom. On the other hand, 60W equivalent LED light bulb ASP dipped by 1.6% in March at US$ 33. TrendForce indicates, aside from the United States, the prices around the world stopped sliding in 12’Mar; prices in certain areas even saw a rather large rebound. Besides the exchange rates, new high-price products hitting the market resulted in the recent price climb.
40W equivalent LED light bulb ASP bounced back to US$ 21 in March, mainly due to the high prices of new products with enhanced features, such as wide beam angle and automatic sensor. The ASP in the United Kingdom soared in March – the ASP of 40W equivalent LED light bulb exceeded US$ 30, which was due to the new products’ higher prices. The new products have features such as higher luminous efficacy and wide beam angle. Moreover, except for Japan, the exchange rates of US dollar in countries around the world have all fell, which caused the prices to go up – the prices in Korea and Germany increased by 5% and 6%, respectively, while the price in the United States plunged by 2%.

As for 60W equivalent LED light bulbs, the global ASP in March continued to fall, however, the ASP merely dropped by 1.6%, showing the downtrend has started to curb. The competition in the United States intensified, which contributed to the most prominent downtrend – the ASP has plunged to US$ 25.6, making U.S. the country with most competitive price. In addition, Japan’s ASP stayed more or less flat, but due to the Japanese yen appreciation, the price still dropped. On the other hand, due to the exchange rates decline and the product price increase, Korea and United Kingdom’s ASPs went up slightly in March.

TrendForce points out, as high-efficiency products become more popular, LED light bulb ASP is expected to stay flat or even rebound in the upcoming months. The ASP will drop again after the market acceptance increases and the competition intensifies.
Further, with respect to the NT$100 billion (US$3.39 billion) loan for companies to replace old, less energy-efficient equipment, which was announced by the Taiwanese government recently, TrendForce states that considering the current LED light bulb prices, if a company uses 60W equivalent LED light bulbs 12 hours per day, the cost going into purchasing LED light bulbs will be recovered in three years, not to mention the amount of energy that can be saved. The annualized return will be 5.09% in the next three years, making it an ideal energy-saving solution for large and mid-size companies.