MixStick lets users fix the perfect cocktails with 24 fitted LEDs, calibrating made easy .(All Photo Courtesy of Magnified Self)
Magnified Self presents MixStik, a LED stick to help anyone make perfect drinks, no experience necessary. The LEDs indicate the specific amount of ingredients needed for each cocktail. It couldn’t be easier, everybody can mix and have fun doing it!
MixStick is used with accompanying Android or iOS app which lets users browse recipes or find recipes base on the ingredients they have at hand. |
Once MixStik is connected to a phone via Bluetooth, the user picks a recipe on the app and places the stick into a glass or shaker. The stick lights up with colors according to the recipe: the LED lights show the user the quantity of each ingredient needed. After that, the user just pours up to wherever the lights go on the stick.
To get the most precise volumes it’s easy to calibrate the stick for a particular shaker or glass.
MixStick is connected to your smartphone via Bluetooth 4.0, letting you search for favorite recipe or even create one and share on the app. |
The ruler mode enables the height, the top and bottom diameters to be measured using the LED’s. The app can also suggest drinks based on ingredients that the user has to hand.
MixStik is not limited to cocktail preparation. It has other entertaining uses: light painting/light texting (the user enters a short text and uses the in-app camera settings to shoot beautiful light paintings with texts) or even game/music (control a game or music with the accelerometer). Thanks to an open API, the possibilities are endless!
Magnified Self will kick off the fundraising campaign on Kickstarter by the end of September, with each package at US$39.
A smartphone can drive up to 5 sticks, handy to make a round of many drinks at once. Any recipe can be customized and new ones created and shared on the app. The stick is rechargeable via a simple USB port.
Technical Specifications
Bluetooth 4.0 (smart) connection
Cortex M0 + processor
Rechargeable Li-ion battery
Food grade silicone waterproof casing
USB port
Availability and Compatibility
A Kickstarter campaign starts September 29th to fund the first industrial batch which will be shipped in the first quarter of 2016. MixStik’s price on Kickstarter will be $39, lower early bird prices will be available in a limited quantity.
The app will be available for free on both iOS and Android and the Stick is compatible with Bluetooth low energy capable smartphones.