Lunera Lighting Enables Lighting as a Service for Commercial Infrastructures

Lunera® Lighting, Inc., a leader in lighting innovations accelerating the transformation to advanced LED technology, is pleased to introduce LightStreamTM Lighting as a Service (LaaS). Available now, LightStream is a turnkey service that allows building owners and operators to upgrade their commercial lighting infrastructure to LED with zero capital expense (CapEx). This innovative approach enables lighting to be treated as a monthly service. Lunera’s award-winning, plug and play LED lamps insure end user satisfaction and eliminate project risk, as no modification to the existing lighting infrastructure is required to convert to LED technology.

“We designed LightStream to eliminate the financial barriers to adopting LED lighting in commercial properties. It removes the need to make a CapEx decision; it’s simply billed monthly as a ‘Saved Energy’ utility payment, based on kWhrs saved,” said Lunera’s Vice President of Sales and Marketing, Tom Quinn.

LightStream LaaS takes the risk out of upgrading to LED lighting and enables immediate positive cash flow. Instant energy savings from an LED lighting upgrade offers an unlimited Internal Rate of Return (IRR). Facilities can customize the service by determining the term length and percentage of energy savings used. Because the Saved Energy utility rate is fixed, the service provides insulation from fluctuating or seasonal utility rate changes.

LightStream’s turnkey service includes: project management, logistics, materials, installation and contract period maintenance. It gives commercial building owners and operators the financial freedom they are looking for in deploying LED technology.

Once the contract has been completed, the high quality LED lamps remain with the facility to continue providing long-term savings on utility payments.

Where to Buy and Sign up for LightStream
Lunera’s plug and play replacement LED lamps are available direct from Lunera and through authorized distributors and retailers. Utility rebates and the immediate energy savings gained through LED use can help offset upfront expenses for lighting retrofits. Contact Lunera to arrange a demonstration or to locate a distributor near you.

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