Universal Display Showcases OLED Luminaire and Reading Light

Universal Display, enabling energy-efficient displays and lighting with its UniversalPHOLED® technology and materials, unveiled new and elegant OLED white lighting design prototypes and technologies at the Annual Meeting of Shareholders on Thursday, June 18th. Exhibited items highlighted the Company’s device architecture and material and manufacturing process core competencies. These proof-of-concept panels and products, including the new Loop Lamp prototype, demonstrate how OLEDs offer flexibility, transparency, thinness and manufacturability on plastic for unbreakable displays and luminaires.

“As a company uniquely positioned at the forefront of the OLED industry, the Loop Lamp embodies a number of our core technologies and fully embraces new design freedoms associated with OLEDs to create thin, conformable, non-glaring illumination sources for the display and solid-state lighting markets”

Universal Display's OLED luminaire, The Loop Lamp. (Universal Display/LEDinside)

The Loop Lamp is comprised of paper-thin, flexible, shatterproof OLED lighting ‘ribbon’ panels designed into a unique concept chandelier. It is cool to touch and offers a high color rendering index (CRI) that can closely mimic natural sunlight. Manufactured using Universal Display’s single layer UniversalBARRIER® encapsulation technology, the plastic based OLED panels resist exposure to moisture and oxygen, are lightweight and can bend in all directions. The Loop Lamp represents one of many concepts in the application of flexible OLED lighting solutions in home décor, architectural design, art and sculpture.

“As a company uniquely positioned at the forefront of the OLED industry, the Loop Lamp embodies a number of our core technologies and fully embraces new design freedoms associated with OLEDs to create thin, conformable, non-glaring illumination sources for the display and solid-state lighting markets,” said Steven V. Abramson, President and Chief Executive Officer of Universal Display. “We were excited to unveil these prototypes to showcase our innovative advancements in phosphorescent OLED (PHOLED) materials and device architectures, encapsulation, optical outcoupling, flexible and transparent designs and processes as well as to present the extraordinary characteristics of OLEDs. We look forward to continuing to drive down costs and increase OLED performance to enable a future filled with beautifully designed, energy-efficient forms of light.”

Universal Display OLED reading lamp.

To learn more about the Loop Lamp, single-layer UniversalBARRIER encapsulation technology and to see how Universal Display is changing the face of the display and lighting industries with its UniversalPHOLED, white OLED, and flexible OLED technologies, please visit the company’s website at http://www.udcoled.com or click here to view Universal Display’s latest video featuring flexible OLED technologies from its Annual Shareholder Meeting.

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