【NEPCON JAPAN】LED Displays with Sensor Integration Open up to New Applications

The 34th NEPCON Japan was held last week from January 15 to 17 in Tokyo. Launched more than 30 years ago, the show has grown together with the Japanese and Asian electronics industry, gathering specialists of electronic components, materials, packaging devices, LEDs, lasers and more. Worldwide visitors and professionals continuous to participate in the event to learn the latest trend and technology of the industry.

This year at LED & Laser Diode Technology EXPO, one of the show under NEPCON, LEDinside observed a trend that most of the exhibitors combine LED lighting or display with infrared or other sensing technologies to demonstrate innovative applications.

KODENSHI from Japan showcased several LED products including tunable LEDs with special wavelength that can combine different color for horticulture lighting and entertainment lighting applications. Another LED features low insecticidal effect by reducing output to near 400nm. LEDs recently are also applied in cosmetic medicine with KODENSHI’s collegen-light LED.


Moreover, the company integrated its sensing components and flexible LED display module to build a gesture sensing slot machine as well as an AR-based interaction application. KODENSHI also exhibit a flexible digital signage that can be attached on windows or wrap around light poles to serve as digital signage.



SHINKO DENSHI is the distributor of Nichia in Japan. At NEPCON Japan, the company showcased Nichia’s series products covering deep UV LED, natural light mimicking LEDs Optisolis, and multiple color and temperature LEDs.


Another sensor embedded gesture sensing display was demonstrated at SHINKO DENSHI’s booth as well. The non-touch human-machine interface can be applied in public spaces such as hospital, stations to reduce the possibility of contact infection and improve public health.

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