These days, LEDs are increasingly being used as replacements for traditional lamps and other electronic appliances. This makes sense, since lighting in general is responsible for up to 20% of the world's electricity consumption. As a result, it has become even more crucial to develop advanced LED materials and technology that produce more light while maintaining efficiency and reliability. In many ways, Taiwan is a leader in the LED industry, since it consistently places at the top of global rankings for LED component output value, while continuing to introduce leading-edge technological advancements.
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Just as the LED industry is getting comfy with the concept of smart lights, a new company Emberlight has stepped up the game with a socket capable of turning any dimmable light into smart lights--be it incandescent, halogen, CFL or LEDs.
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The Re:Lit project isn’t just about picking up the phone, it is about developing working relationships and seeing what happens. Architainment have a great support network which front a huge range of lighting. It’s also great to go and see how people operate and be able to talk openly with manufacturers, rather than rush everything into a demo session or short lunch break.
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