The Thai government plans to take the lead in replacing about three million light bulbs in government agency offices within a six year time frame, reported the country’s National News Bureau.
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In general, Thai LED manufacturers at EcoLightTech Asia 2014, tend to import LED components from China before assembling and rebranding them as LED luminaires, which was consistent to earlier findings by LEDinside’s research team. The trade show ran from Nov. 12-14 in Bangkok, Thailand. Some ambitious players in the local Thai LED market are aiming to scale down reliance on imported components by establishing their own component production line.
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Thailand’s Provincial Electricity Authority (PEA) a strong advocate of energy efficient LED technology in the Thai LED market, believes it will take another five years before residential lighting market will fully kickoff said Niwat Chayakul, the organization's Director of Power System and Research Development Department at EcoLightTech Asia 2014, which took place in Bangkok from Nov. 11-14, 2014.
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