LuminAID co-founders Anna Stork and Andrea Sreshta were architecture students in 2010 when they were inspired to design a new kind of solar light in response to the 2010 earthquake in Haiti. They invented LuminAID’s patented solar inflatable technology, creating a compact, rechargeable solar lantern that packs flat and inflates into a lightweight, waterproof light source. Since then, LuminAID has been innovating and expanding their technology to new applications, including the camping and emergency preparedness markets, but Anna and Andrea have always had Haiti on the back of their minds. As news of the devastation in Haiti becomes apparent in the wake of Hurricane Matthew, LuminAID and its charitable partners are working to help those affected by the storm who are in need of safe, sustainable lighting. This is especially meaningful for Anna and Andrea, as it gives them another chance to give back to the people of Haiti, their original inspiration.
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