To galvanize Velodyne’s educational efforts, the company has released “LiDAR 101,” a video showcasing how LiDAR sensors contribute to autonomous technology.
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Velodyne LiDAR announced that it is partnering with Unmanned Solution (UMS) of South Korea to integrate its advanced LiDAR sensors into UMS’ expansive autonomous technology development program.
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Velodyne LiDAR Inc., manufacturing 3D vision systems for autonomous vehicles, announced that it has more than quadrupled production for its high-performance LiDAR sensors to meet strong global demand. As a result, Velodyne LiDAR’s sensors are immediately available via distribution partners in Europe, Asia Pacific, and North America, with industry standard lead-times for direct contracts.
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Velodyne LiDAR Inc., the world leader in 3D real-time perception systems for autonomous vehicles, announced its selection by Mercedes-Benz Research & Development as a critical sensor supplier for the VLP-32C Ultra Puck™ for further development of fully automated and driverless vehicles.
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