Sollum Technologies and Leaficient are pioneering a breakthrough technology that redefines how LED lighting adapts to plant growth.Today’s traditional lighting strategies rely on Daily Light Integral (DLI) as the primary metric for optimizing plant growth, based on the premise that plants absorb and use light with the same efficiency throughout the day and at all growth stages. However, recent research has shown that plant productivity can change significantly based on a myriad of factors relating to the environment, resources provided and internal biological processes. I...
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Lafayette College, under the leadership of Dr. Robert Elliott, is embarking on a groundbreaking research initiative to measure the effects of advanced LED lighting on the growth and quality of various crops. The lab, based in Easton, Pennsylvania, uses Sollum Technologies' dynamic LED lighting solution to tailor optimal growing conditions for each crop.
"Sollum's unparalleled flexibility and precision make it the ideal choice for our research", noted Dr. Elliott,Professor of Environmental Engineering at Lafayette College. "Its customizable l...
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