Seenov is excited to announce a new level of freedom for the Arduino® platform – the Mobillyo. The innovative Mobillyo board has an ATMega32U4 chip for compatibility with the Arduino IDE and software while adding a rechargeable battery, a solar panel interface and a Nordic Semiconductor nrf52 Bluetooth Low Energy radio interface.
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Chinese LED lighting company Hitechled is determined to contribute to environment preservation by convincing businesses to switch and use solar & LED lighting technology, informing them on cost savings that best serve their return of investment; and has the smallest impact on the environment.
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Green energy technology was named the top development priority by Taiwan President Ma Ying-jeou on Wednesday, with Solar and LED technologies highlighted as two areas where the island has potential to lead.
Green energy technologies have become a popular target. Governments of U.S., Germany and Japan all have listed clean environment technologies as key development fields and have invested to promote the energy saving devices including solar panels.
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