Based on the statistic of LEDinside, the research division of TrendForce, the revenue of the listed LED manufacturers in March 2011 has reached NTD 9.34 billion (MoM +27.13%, YoY+13.4%). As can be seen from the chip makers’ revenue, the revenue of listed LED chip makers has increased by 23.7%, compared with that of February 2011, and to NTD 4.294 billion (MoM+23.7%; YoY+19.8%). On the other hand, the revenue of listed LED package makers has increased to NTD 5.047 million (MoM+30.2%,YoY+8.4%). Generally speaking, since the second season is the traditionally peak season for the LED industry, and there is an increase in backlight inventory, the revenue has dramatically increased in March.
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