Most homeowners waste energy in little ways that add up big time on their monthly utility bills. Using a laptop instead of a desktop computer, unplugging devices not in use and simply switching to LED light bulbs are a few changes that can add more pocket change to the monthly bottom line. Reprogramming thermostats by a few degrees cuts down electricity costs over time, and ceiling fans are the HVAC’s partner in circulation—pushing hot heat up during winter and moving cool air around rooms during summer. Saving energy doesn’t mean investing in expensive new appliances or installing solar panels; homeowners just have to be proactive in changing everyday habits.
Here, Energy Datametrics, a provider of energy efficiency technology based in the US, discloses 50 efficient ways to help homeowners to save energy and create greener home environments. Click here to know more about Homeselfe, an energy management helper app developed by EDM. ![](
(The infographic is provided by the Homeselfe Blog.)